08 November 2005

Election Day

Today is election day. This means, for 98% of the country, it's Tuesday.
However, if you live in Virginia, today is the day to pick our new governor.
Let's take a look at the candidates, shall we?

Tim Kaine - Democrat, BA in Econ. from U. Missouri, JD from Harvard
Jerry Kilgore - Republican, BA in Business & P.A. from UVA-Wise, JD from W&M
Russ Potts - Independent, BA in Journalism from UMD

Kaine will continue the administration of Warner, who is the most popular Virginia governor in over 15 years. Warner was able to come into the state and fix a lot of the fiscal irresponsibility which had spread throughout the administrations of former governors Allen and Gilmore. With Kaine, Virginia's reputation as the best managed state in the union would surely continue.

Actaully, i don't care about the other two.

It always amazes me when I hear that the average voter turnout in the United States is as low as it is. CNN told me (and yes I believe everything that CNN tells me, since Dan Rather doesn't work for them) that since 1945, the average voter turnout hovers around 48%. CNN further stated that this number places the United States behind 113 other nations in voter turnout. Click here for the data. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's "sad," but the incongruency between America's foreign policy and its culture leaves much to be desired. It's fitting that it is the same bloc of uneducated voters (haha get the joke? bloc of uneducated voters? No? nevermind.) who vote along party lines are the same ones who helped usher in the current administration who has chosen to overlook the sad state of the American electorate today.

Along the same lines, Mark Warner in 2008? Perhaps. He's got my vote!

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