16 October 2007

I Feel Like...

I feel like crap. I don't know why. I've been in a ratty mood for the past few days. I've tried to play it off, but it's not working. I suck at hiding my emotions.
So we took this Enneagram Personality Test at the KSA Retreat last Monday. I came out as two completely opposite types. The first type I came up as was "The Helper." The other one was "The Investigator." Basically, the Helper is the epitome of the irrational, led-by-the-heart, and emotion-driven person.
The Investigator is the epitome of the rational, logical, and just person.

I don't get how I came out as both. I'm a walking contradiction. Or a walking emotional conflict.

I can see both sides in me. Both sides have things that I definitely like about myself.
I really need to figure myself out.

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