28 October 2005

Hell or High Water

Today, during my many bouts of procrastination, I sat and wondered what exactly I am capable of.

How far would I go to make the one I love happy?
How far would I go to save my ass? (reputation-wise)
How far would I go to save my own life?
How far would I go to save the life of the one I love?

"Hell or High Water" was the phrase which popped into my head when I was thinking about others. I would go through Hell or High Water for her.
Flaming hoops, poison-tipped spiked-hurdles, huge vats of steaming hot acid...
Okay... maybe not THAT extreme. Not to downplay the lengths I would go, of course.

I'd probably drive hundreds of miles at the drop of a hat, if necessary.
I'd fly to the other side of the country, if necessary.

Haha what a clich?d entry.

I read this article from the Wall Street Journal. The whole article was on the conveyance of love within relationships and families.
It opened with a very touching story.
In a family where the words, "I love you" were commonplace, a father told his daughter, as she was going out the door, "Remember, I love you!"
The daughter replied, "I love you too, dad."
Little did he know, that would be the last time he would see her alive. She would die later that day from a car accident.
Later, the father recalled how thankful he was that the last words he would ever speak to his daughter would be a reminder of his love.

I'm always hesitant to tell people, particularly the ones I am not related to, that I love them.
Another one of my fears is that I would lose the ones I love without ever having told them directly, "I love you."

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