23 October 2005

My Timing Sucks...

I think I have the worst luck when it comes to timing.

I had this great awesome plan all worked out this past May.

It was solid. Foolproof, even.
I had accounted for everything. Or, so I thought.
I had forgotten the human factor.

The first signs of my flaw appeared as a small crack.
Really, nothing big. It patched itself up.

Unbeknownst to me a huge gash was forming, hidden, away from my view.

Then it happened in July. The first piece fell.

Little by little, my plan cracked and tumbled with every passing day.

Then, the heat of the August sun started to beat down on me. Long days passed.
The heat left nothing untouched. It affected all.

By September, it had become but a mere phantom of its original grandeur.
I tried futilely to rebuild. But it had been damaged beyond repair.

All that remains of it is the foundation of hope upon which it was built.
The hope from then has now become the hope of rebuilding the plan in the future.

This hope is what sustains me every day.

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