So... here goes...
1.) If you disrespect my family, no matter how weird or quirky we may be, you're disrespecting me and who I truly am. You can go screw yourself.
2.) If there is any picture of you on the Internet where you are
a.) rowdily drunk
b.) dressed like a hoochie
c.) naked or otherwise indecent
If you have a picture like this, you obviously have some issues, whether it be severe inferiority or some other exhibitionistic tendencies. And please, don't tell me you dress like that because it makes you feel feminine or whatever. It's like Dave Chapelle said, don't wear a whore's uniform if you are not a whore. It is possible to be sexy and classy at the same time. Don't ask me how. I don't have time.
3.) If you disrespect my aspirations in life. Sorry, if you have a problem with what I want to do with my life then you can take your opinion very far away from me.
4.) If your primary response to things I say is "whatever." If you're responding like this, you obviously either don't care to hear what I have to say, you don't know what I'm talking about, you have no opinions of your own, or you think you're always right. There's a couple other things that "whatever" could mean, but, whatever.
5.) If your priority in life is to marry a rich guy and plop out babies, cook, and clean for the rest of your life. Sorry, just not attracted to the stay-at-home mom types. It's nice and I respect it. Just not my style.
6.) If you constantly patronize, belittle, trivialize, or underestimate me or everything I say. This is pretty much self-explanatory.
7.) If your relationship with your parents singularly consists of shouting, criticizing, yelling, etc. No matter how well-adjusted you may think you are, 99.9% of the time, it affected you and it will come out.
8.) If your idea of "fun" is to go to a club and get as wasted as humanly possible. There is more to life than killing brain cells. The occasional drink or two or three or four or five at a low-key party is nice. The occasional going out to the club or bar for a drink or two with a friend is nice. Binge drinkers need not apply.
9.) If you think the prospect of going to a museum or other similar low-key venues is "gay and boring" I guess this is kind of a sugar coating/icing qualifier. Going to the mall to shop is fun. Walking around town window shopping is fun. If this is the extent of what you consider fun, I just hope you're open to doing other things as well. If not, well... I'm sure you're a nice girl.
10.) If you bump, grind, or freak dance on a regular basis (closely related to #8 and #2)
11.) If you don't like dogs or animals in general. If the prospect of having a German Shepherd or a Yorkshire Terrier is not appealing to you, then there is no future for us.
12.) Try to change me into what your little mold of what you think I should be. (closely related to #6) If you don't like me for who I am, then it'd be better if we didn't progress beyond the acquaintance phase.
13.) Big feet. A quirky thing. I just don't find girls with big feet attractive. By big, I mean... anything larger than women's size 9.
14.) Heavy makeup. This kind of goes back to #2 and #8.
15.) Everything that comes out of your mouth is sarcastic and/or cynical. Sarcasm is just unattractive.
16.) Attention-starved. Please don't say things to make me like you.
17.) Your Korean sucks. I speak Korean pretty fluently. I would want you to, as well.
18.) You don't like Korean food. How can you not like Korean food.
19.) You think Annandale is the best Korean food on the face of this planet. This means either A.) you don't have a good palate (and therefore cannot taste or detect all the MSG) or B.) Your mom doesn't know how to cook. Maybe one is the result of the other, who knows.\
20.) You take advantage of my niceness and dick me around.
Anyway, this is a work in progress. Don't judge yet. Certain individuals have informed me that this seems more rant-like than anything. Like I said, it's a work in progress.
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